Spentex Industries Limited |
Regd. Off : A-60, OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA, PHASE - II, NEW DELHI - 110020. |
( PART I) |
( Rs. in Lacs Except EPS) |
Quarter ended
6 Months ended
Previous year ended
30.09.2012 |
30.06.2012 |
30.09.2011 |
30.09.2012 |
30.09.2011 |
31.03.2012 |
(Unaudited) |
(Unaudited) |
(Unaudited) |
(Unaudited) |
(Unaudited) |
(Audited) |
1 |
a) |
Net Sales/ Income from Operations (Net of excise duty) |
33,148.89 |
24,625.26 |
26,540.36 |
57,774.15 |
48,330.50 |
96,783.82 |
b) |
Other Operating Income |
421.68 |
42.76 |
525.77 |
464.44 |
869.17 |
1,088.92 |
Total Income (a+b) |
33,570.57 |
24,668.02 |
27,066.13 |
58,238.59 |
49,199.67 |
97,872.74 |
2 |
Expenditure |
a) |
Consumption of raw materials (including consumption of stores, spares and packing materials) |
21,180.81 |
18,135.97 |
16,514.10 |
39,316.78 |
33,513.27 |
66,248.37 |
b) |
Purchase of traded goods |
494.59 |
1,576.49 |
2,621.10 |
2,071.08 |
4,725.90 |
9,594.64 |
c) |
(Increase) / decrease in stock in trade, finished goods and work in progress |
2,574.84 |
(3,320.88) |
6,398.24 |
(746.04) |
4,936.36 |
5,755.26 |
d) |
Employees benefits expenses |
1,789.20 |
1,706.03 |
1,573.49 |
3,495.23 |
3,152.14 |
6,318.37 |
e) |
Depreciation and amortisation expenses |
706.25 |
733.46 |
849.43 |
1,439.71 |
1,692.76 |
3,307.98 |
f) |
Power and fuel cost |
2,684.20 |
2,351.73 |
1,823.93 |
5,035.93 |
3,656.57 |
7,851.99 |
g) |
Other expenditure |
1,658.33 |
1,456.36 |
1,410.15 |
3,114.69 |
2,771.44 |
5,690.13 |
Total |
31,088.22 |
22,639.16 |
31,190.44 |
53,727.38 |
54,448.44 |
104,766.74 |
3 |
Profit / (Loss) from Operations before Other Income, Finance Cost & Exceptional Items
(1-2) |
2,482.35 |
2,028.86 |
(4,124.31) |
4,511.21 |
(5,248.77) |
(6,894.00) |
4 |
Other Income |
38.21 |
17.87 |
187.95 |
56.08 |
330.55 |
451.79 |
5 |
Profit / (Loss) before Finance Cost & Execeptional Items (3+4) |
2,520.56 |
2,046.73 |
(3,936.36) |
4,567.29 |
(4,918.22) |
(6,442.21) |
6 |
Finance Cost |
2,139.56 |
1,970.73 |
2,409.69 |
4,110.29 |
4,663.58 |
8,541.52 |
7 |
Profit / (Loss) after Finance Cost but before Execeptional Items (5-6) |
381.00 |
76.00 |
(6,346.05) |
457.00 |
(9,581.80) |
(14,983.73) |
8 |
Exceptional Items |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
4,858.66 |
9 |
Profit (+) / Loss (-) from Ordinary Activities before tax (7+8) |
381.00 |
76.00 |
(6,346.05) |
457.00 |
(9,581.80) |
(19,842.39) |
10 |
Tax expense |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
302.75 |
MAT Credit Entitlement Reversal |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
368.52 |
Income Tax of earlier year written back |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(65.77) |
11 |
Net Profit (+) / Loss (-) from Ordinary Activities after tax (9-10) |
381.00 |
76.00 |
(6,346.05) |
457.00 |
(9,581.80) |
(20,145.14) |
12 |
Extraordinary Items (net of tax expense) |
- | - |
- |
- |
- |
- |
13 |
Net Profit / (Loss) for the period
(11-12) |
381.00 |
76.00 |
(6,346.05) |
457.00 |
(9,581.80) |
(20,145.14) |
14 |
Paid up Equity Share Capital (Face Value Rs. 10/-each) |
8,327.20 |
8,327.20 |
8,327.20 |
8,327.20 |
8,327.20 |
8,327.20 |
15 |
Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserves as per balance sheet of previous accounting year |
| -
- |
- |
- |
- |
(16,258.42) |
16 |
Earning Per Share (EPS) (not annualized) (Rs.)
Basic EPS before Extraordinary items for the period and for the previous year |
0.46 |
0.09 |
(7.71) |
0.55 |
(11.64) |
(24.25) |
Dilutedc EPS before Extraordinary items for the period and for the previous year |
0.46 |
0.09 |
(7.71) |
0.55 |
(11.64) |
(24.25) |
Basic EPS after Extraordinary items for the period and for the previous year |
0.46 |
0.09 |
(7.71) |
0.55 |
(11.64) |
(24.25) |
Diluted EPS after Extraordinary items for the period and for the previous year |
0.46 |
0.09 |
(7.71) |
0.55 |
(11.64) |
(24.25) |
1 |
Public Shareholding |
Number of Shares |
39,441,475 |
39,441,475 |
39,441,475 |
39,441,475 |
39,441,475 |
39,441,475 |
Percentage of Shareholding |
47.36% |
47.36% |
47.36% |
47.36% |
47.36% |
47.36% |
2 |
Promoters and promoter group Shareholding |
Pledged / Encumbered |
-Number of Shares |
43,830,558 |
43,830,558 |
43,830,558 |
43,830,558 |
43,830,558 |
43,830,558 |
-Percentage of Shares (as a% of the total shareholding of promoter / promoter group) |
100.00% |
100.00% |
100.00% |
100.00% |
100.00% |
100.00% |
-Percentage of Shares (as a % of the total share capital of the Company) |
52.64% |
52.64% |
52.64% |
52.64% |
52.64% |
52.64% |
Non- Encumbered |
-Number of Shares |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
-Percentage of Shares (as a% of the total shareholding of promoter / promoter group) |
0.00% |
0.00% |
0.00% |
0.00% |
0.00% |
0.00% |
-Percentage of Shares (as a % of the total share capital of the Company) |
0.00% |
0.00% |
0.00% |
0.00% |
0.00% |
0.00% |
Pending at the begining of the quarter
Nil |
Received during the quarter
Nil |
Disposed of during the quarter
Nil |
Remaining unsolved at the end of the quarter
Nil |
1 |
'The above Unaudited Standalone Financial Results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and were approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting held on November 07, 2012. |
2 |
The Statutory Auditors have carried out a 'Limited Review' of the Unaudited Standalone Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and six month ended September 30, 2012. |
3 |
'In accordance with Accounting Standard 17 on Segment Reporting notified under section 211(3C) of the Companies Act, 1956, the Company has identified two Business Segments viz., Textile Manufacturing and Textile Trading. Accordingly, segment disclosure has been done. |
4 |
The Auditors, in their limited review report have mentioned regarding diminution in the value of company's long term Investment of Rs. 2,044.70 lacs and recoverability of Rs. 4,623.27 lacs ( Previous quarter Rs. 4,538.20 lacs) in Amit Spinning Industries Limited (ASIL), subsidiary of the Company. ASIL has registered losses during the quarter and earlier financial years and eroded its net worth due to economic slow down. The Company believes that the diminution in value of said Investment is temporary in nature and considering improvement in the global textile market, ASIL will be able to make good its losses in a foreseeable period of time which will also place this subsidiary in a position to repay the liabilities in due course and hence no adjustment is required in the books of accounts. |
5 |
As on September 30, 2012, the accumulated losses of the Company have exceeded its net worth. Accordingly company in compliance with the provisions of section 23(1) of Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 will file a reference with Board for Industrial and Financial Restructuring (BIFR). However, in the opinion of the management, the Company’s operations have been adversely affected a) due to ban on yarn export by the government resulting in the piling up of Yarn inventory and its offloading at reduced prices during current year and b) very high volatility in Raw Material prices, Further, considering the change in scenario, recent performance and trends of the company as well as overall industry outlook, there is an increase in average selling prices of the yarn, stability in production levels and reduction in procurement costs of raw materials. Resultantly, the company has started earning net profits and the management believes that losses incurred in the past would reasonably be made good, in due course. The financial statements, as such have been prepared on a going concern basis on the strength of management’s plan of revival including reorganization of business and restructuring of loan facilities under Corporate Debt Restructuring scheme.
6 |
The Company has an investment of Rs 5,610.11 lacs and Rs. 93.24 lacs in its subsidiary Spentex Netherlands B. V. (SNBV) and its step down subsidiary Spentex Tashkent Toytepa LLC (STTL) respectively. Further it has Rs. 700.12 lacs as export receivable from STTL and advances of Rs. 950.71 lacs in SNBV as on September 30, 2012. During the period of investment Government of Uzbekistan changed certain laws and policies by breaching the investment agreement and rendered operation of STTL unviable. Consequently STTL could not pay its debts and insolvency proceedings have been initiated against it. Since treaties entered between the Governments of India and Uzbekistan and the Investment agreement entered between Govt. of Uzbekistan and Spentex were breached, company has issued notice claiming protection of investment and payment of dues & compensation for the losses suffered by company. In view of legal opinion placed before the board, claims lodged with Govt of Uzbekistan and the value of assets certified by independent valuer, the Directors have decided not to make any provision for diminution in value of investment at this stage. |
7 |
'Previous period figures have been regrouped / recasted / rearranged wherever necessary, to conform to the current period presentation. |
Place : New Delhi |
Date : November 07, 2012 |